Sunday, 8 June 2008


You see it is hard finding suitable blog names for characters in my weekly offerings of dribble.

We have two new band members yet I ‘m struggling to name them.....I mean the priesty bloke should be quite easy...but then you wouldn’t want to upset the man of the cloth would laid back as he is, he is training to be a Priest and some how one shouldn’t take the piss...........but then we have the dilemma of the Holy one .........another religious blog name will make us sound like a happy clappy gospel ensemble.........oh well never mind I’m sure The Padre and the Holy One will get on just fine.

Our other singer is a bit of problem as the other day she signed her E-mail SD...(her initials).So here is a little insight to how my mind works!!!! I was sitting there and It came to me in a flash........I thought I haven’t got a Scooby Doo what I’m going to call her then I saw the e-mail SD.........of course everyone knows Scooby Doo has SD on his collar........but naming her after a dog...a bit of a no no ! Her full initials are SAD we stay clear of that too.......She was (unfairly as her voice is really good) rejected by X-Factor.........

So we are putting Padre and X-factor (it will do for now) through their paces in readiness for the July gigs . We will be posting piccies next week..........

Now as some of you was my birthday on Tuesday and Wifey bought me ...yes arrived ...........a blue stained Fretless Warwick Corvette Rockbass.........I named her Wilma..........well my Fender is called Fred my Dean called well ....Dean ...(Dino) so it only be fitting that she should be called Wilma...wifey is unhappy at me plucking at Wilma’s g string all day and night mind!!! And I’m sure i’m going to get raised eyebrows if I say I’m going to slap Wilma!!!!!!

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