I recently Purchased the 30 year re-release of Madness' now famous album absolutely.
The song you're an embarassment one of my faves.
Now apart from Spriggan Mist I help out with my 8 year old's band Demios. My budding little drummer is 6 years the junior of the other two lads that make up the trio. After another rehearsal where I thought the band did well, my little protoge turned to his mum and said he was fed up of rehearsing with Demios because his Dad ...aka ...me...was embarassing?!?!?!?.....
Mua?......the crimes I was committing?....dancing to their music during rehearsal...making large cymbal crashing movements with my hands telling him when to do fills....and shouting when it all goes wrong.....he felt like a little boy!!!!...yeah I know he is a little boy but try telling an 8 year old veteran of over 10 gigs ...that he is a little boy?!?!!?
But it didn't stop there.....apparently I look weird when on stage with Spriggan Mist too.....the kilt the colourful trousers....and the funny dance. We even analysed the video for choreographer extraordinaire to point out my failings!!!!
I then had to suffer him imitating me with his bass....
So that told me
It dawned on me that my son has reached the age of when not all that his Dad does is super cool....It hit me too at about his age when my Father used to do things in public that made me want to die there and then.....like cruising down Southsea front just by South Parade Pier in the car on a busy summer's eve with the Platters on at full pelt and my Dad singing along...oh did me and the Darkmagi (my brother) cringe and sink into the car seats before any of our friends saw us....
Anyway where Demios are concerned ...I'm going to take a back seat ...back off and let the boys sort it ..not be too happy and act broody and stroppy like a teenager....this should help.
As regards Spriggan Mist? the kilt is staying.
On that note thought I'd let you know all recording has been done and Dave is locked away in the studio mixing the album. Gill says he is coming out to eat apparently. Can't wait to hear the first mix?!??!?!
more news next week...
Going off to act more "cool" for junior.............
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