Wow peeps it's been a while I hear you say.Well actually I don't. My blog has been accessed nearly 15,000 times......I don't know why or how the sudden increase but does anyone comment or engage in light It's kind of lonely out here in blogland....
Today Blogites I'm going to talk about that evil thing that has crept into our lives. It will bring the book 1984 into reality in the next few years i'm sure. yes you got it ....FACEBOOK.
Considering we are a nation of pinko fluffy lefties that object in general to intrusive CCTV....we detest the thought of ID cards feel we shouldn't have to bow down to the authorities (all of which I personally do not have problem with but I talk on behalf of the majority here ) So we object to being caught on CCTV 200 times a day but......we are happy that the 782 odd "friends " on facebook get "Joe Bloggs is having a dump" or my favourite is "Angela average is up and ready for work".....Well fantastic for her my life is fulfilled knowing what time Angela Average gets up. I know all sorts about loads of people I really don't know....I know that some girl I know to nod to in the corridor at work is going out with the best bloke this side of the northern hemisphere, that one of the Mum's on the school run has the hots for Brad Pitt....then just when i thought it was all petty mindless fun started, oh yes .....the devils evil that is X factor.....Facebook punditry surrounding X factor just does my head in!!!!!
I'm not going into the morals of how I feel X factor is an exploitation of talented singers who do not want to graft their way to the top. I liken it to Lasagne.....Yup Lasagne. Now you buy a microwave lasagne from Tescos...heat it up and eat was ok did the job quite tasty but you probably won't be telling your friends about it would's a quick fix meal......Go down to your nearest Italian restaurant where your Lasagne is cooked with the best ingredients in an oven to perfection over an hour or so with care and attention and you'll probably let your mates know you had a good bit of food at that restaurant. X Factor sadly is the microwave meal, the decent musicians and singers have grafted and learned their trade...their cheese has browned nicely these guys have got some cool ingredients but when microwaved the end product isn't quite as good when you get beneath the surface. Whilst we are talking about Lasagne can you pure blood English stop serving salad with your pasta dishes....lasagne and salad does not go ......Barbarians!....anyway people decide to put on facebook vote nobby off and oh I like so and so..................get a life guys the only real winner is Simon Cowell. One of the mums's on school run "Loopy" has been debating on facebook with me on how she loves the programme she is well sucked into it . Loopy just can't see what I'm seeing !!!!
It's all very sad.then there is the swearing. Now I am no Mother Theresa and there is nothing like a spontaneous barriage of expletives to get things off your chest but i have just deleted two profiles this morning because people members no less find it funny to use such words in order to m,ake themselves sound funny. Yeah they are young but still I got my Victor Meldrew head on and did my bestest Cyberman impression "DELETE" there is a story for the new Dr Who series. (in best cyberman voice) I DON'T BELIVE IT .....DELETE
Well gotta go ..lovin my new role at work ...loads of blogging material to come out of it more next time
oh and dont forget chips with pizza....I couldnt believe that when we got back to this country!!!
ReplyDeleteThe X-Factor this along with the whole Big Brother thing is just another sign of of decadent decay and 'dumbing' down our society is facing. I dont pretend to be a genious but I like to think I have more than the two brain cells required to watch such dross and I am honestly suprised and quite honestly horrified to find out people that know and would expect to have more inteligence and taste watching such programs! All this dumbing down really does make me angry along with the cult of celebrity. I saw some random people on the street being interviewed and asked what they wanted to be when they grey up, the answer....famous but when asked what they wanted to be famous for not one of them knew, all they cared about was being famous for famous sake, not oneof them wanted to be famous for writing and performing a song that would be remebered 50 years or a huindred years on, or for curing cancer, or for climbing Everest, or winning a nobel peace prize or anything that require the slightest bit of effort. Now I'm sorry if I offend anyone reading this (well actually I'm not sorry at all if I'm honest) get a fcuking life, read a book, watch a few documentaries about important things, listen to some proper music, go out and see a live band in your local pub......!
Interesting blog I stumbled upon. :)