Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Persnoremance management

The speaker was dull. Her monotone voice drifted over the facts of effective performance management like an early morning fog on a lake except far less interesting.The room was warm the seats a bit tooo comfy, Wifey sat watching other members of the training session that her work thrusts at them thinking it beneficial rather than letting them do the job. Her last vision was a colleague sifting through the far more exciting "Tea pot collectors" weekly magazine which was incognito inside a file which looked far more work related.............. her eyes were getting heavier.....heavier.......heavier............heavy..........hea she heard a loud snore.....which woke her up and made everyone look her way.Wiping the dribble from her mouth and lap she apologised.

She then took to writing some lyrics, Kultural Karma , Days of winter and Spirals have all been written in this manner at boring courses or training days.

Tomorrow Spriggan Mist's "Summer tour" dates are released.....I say tour as our three gig summer has turned in to 5 gigs over a 9 week period. Then we have a break before The Mad M's party in Lincolnshire in September. But as our intrepid Percussionist Tomato Slayer said ......"I'm convinced you'll find out more playing to two bored teenagers and a dog for ten minutes than any number of evenings in the the back garden." ......we've got the dog now where are the bored teenagers?

Just an update from The Dark Marge...or Mythago Wormwood or whatever he calls himself.....He has emersed himself into Second life in a big way and he was last seen floating in a self built Zeppelin accross a virtual world .....I seriously worry about that boy ....I knew all those years locked in his bedroom staring at pictures of Clare Grogan weren't healthy


  1. I can also be found voyaging the Vernian Sea about my submersible the Romano. I must get that onboard sound system working so I can broadcast Spriggan Mist to the populous...
