Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Jester's Brew

Paranoid...maybe...On my way to the office this week and Mr T calls me on my mobile ......he explains that ..well...i was losing my computer and that he was getting my desk..........and I’d have to share his computer........except Mr T does a job where he kind of uses his computer for his full 8 hours?!?!?!? Hmmmm I thought ........I’d already given up my cupboard in the office to allow the introduction of 12 new people in the office .....under the pretence that my cupboard would be removed from the office except it wasn’t and I found it locked with other people’s stuff in it. call me paranoid but I felt very, very undervalued. My boss Sasquatch (so called as she has tiny feet) is off sick because ....yes you guessed it she’s broken her accident at the swimming pool by all accounts ....apparently she was kicking Mr Sasquatch up the back side or something at the time but this is unconfirmed ...the other boss in our awfully decent bloke has suggested Sasquatch was engaged in weird goings on with Mr Sasquatch at the time .......but again this is unconfirmed......awfully decent bloke however joined in with Mr T the other day when they ripped the proverbial out of my Maltese music ....quote" I feel like I’m in Ali’s kebab shop in Shepherd’s Bush" Mr T upset me further stating that Malta shouldn’t be allowed to play football with the big nations ......ha!!!!! egg on his face when Malta beat Lichtenstein 7-1 last week!!!!!...anyway what would Mr T know about football he supports Leeds!!!!

We have some cool new characters in the office mind..amongst many ..Grandpops....he must be at least 100 years old ...and worse an ex bank manager!!!! And a ginger!!!!! A young lad I’m going to call flash explanation needed! A couple of girls who went AWOL from the height department fact I nearly turned a couple of tables over and formed a playpen the other day for them. So far they all seem decent enough peeps...(just in case this blog falls into the wrong hands)

Enough about work! .... We’re back on track......we have a singer .....he comes from a punk and rock background ...(be it about 20 years ago) he has a number of written songs plays a bit of guitar and bass. generally seems to be a decent bloke...oh he can sing too.(always a plus) can’t say I have a blog name for him yet....piccy is on my space if you want to oggle.....I’ve also posted piccies of The Holy One in his "throw your knickers at me " pose..... it was taken last summer whilst he was playing on tour in Switzerland’s obviously a warm sunny day with his white t-shirt and "Top Gun " specs.

So anyway we are still looking for a band name.......answers on a postcard! The favourite is Jester’s Brew but we’ll confirm this over the next few days.We are back planning our assault on the summer gigs......We are hoping to play four gigs between 1st June and 12 th July .We are looking to include some cool rock stuff and i must say we are jamming this really cool Ska come rock n’roll stuff where Wifey and the Holy One are really showing what skilled musicians they are.

Hmmmmmm "Good Evening Wembley!!!!! We are Jester’s Brew!!!!!"

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