Friday, 18 April 2008

The Jesters' New Voice

Ok it’s been a while....been ultra busy ....Jesters court has had phase one of the refurb complete so , Wifey has struck a rich vein of song writing ...not all appropriate for The Stone Jesters I hasten to add.......some will be used for Diddly Peeps (our family band.....Rockstar on drums etc...myspace link to follow) A lot of this stuff is on Banjo, acoustic guitar and I use the Mandolin tis very folky type of music know........ yeeee harrr slap thigh and prance around like a cat on a hot tin roof with swollen gonads. Other stuff is a bit more twinkly twinkly around the camp fire with a bottle of Bulmers pear...........well summer is approaching and Eddy ( our 1973 veedub) will be tearing up those A roads heading for destinations unknown ( ok ok it will be more of a trundle)

Also finally we have found the singer for us to take us through to the next chapter in this saga that has more twists and turns than Cristiano Ronaldo. We are returning to a female singer ,I found her on the internet not on E-bay........could you imagine it?

Female vocalist ..nearly new complete with mic and lead bids start at £3.00
Or buy now for £9.99

No no no I found her on a website where you finds singers and other musicians. We haven’t sussed out a blog name yet although she was on the website as Woody which bears no resemblance to her name (must ask her about this actually) Well Woody is a cool singer bags of enthusiasm and the Stone Jesters are back on that road to song working on?..........want to know ? ...huh?

Ruby by the Kaiser Chiefs.......sorted bass line out last night

The Woodster’s photo will appear after next week’s rehearsals....
How do we all like the new artwork? The Dark Marge really excelled himself this time loads of you are commenting on how good it looks....
Anyway I’m still in me jim jams and have to go to work ....boring!!!!!!!!!!!

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