“Hot Machero!” My boss, Cruella said ...“I’ve just googled you” Mr T and I cowered behind our desks. The office fell silent......this was not a good career move.....I frantically racked my brains as to what I had said about her in my blog! Mr T looked concerned for me.....running his thumb across his neck in a cutting motion and pointing at me kind of let me realise what he was thinking that maybe my next appraisal might not be too good. For a few moments I cursed the blog....I had panicked this much since Agent A (the PTA secret weapon) asked me for the blog address...I conveniently forgot to give it to her! I peered across the room ...I could see Cruella’s head buried into the computer screen then...............she laughed her face appeared smiling......Mr T and I breathed a sigh of relief almost as big as the one earlier in the day when we were practicing our graffiti tags on the whiteboard in the office and realised that the permanent flip chart pen I used by mistake wasn’t as permanent as I first thought.
Cruella however felt her pseudonym wasn’t original enough as she has been called Cruella before. I have tried to find another suitable name but ...”The incredible bitch boss from hell” doesn’t really roll off the tongue and would probably get me a transfer to a nice cleaning position in the gent’s bogs so Cruella it is.....
A quick round up of what the Hots are doing then.....Me well I’m writing this when I should be practicing.
Wifey is busy practicing her bits....Lola is still one to work on but getting there ....The solo in “into the deep” is faultless at home as usual .............she works really hard so that she can completely muck it up on Mondays....almost as bad as I mucked up dock of the bay I hasten to add .........Wifey you are still my hero !!!!!!!
SJ .......SJ is still in lurvvvvve........”Moose he’s so dreamy ...sigh!.......” yuck yuck yuck!!!!!!! but she is busy singing her heart out in the locker rooms at work.......wicked !
Road runner tells me that old Red has been practicing his bits and promptly ends each song with his hands a loft and shouts “ Thank you ...............thank you.......... we’ve been Hot Machero goodnight ” Danny their dog has been well impressed!!!!
On a serious note we didn’t see Dom at practice this week as at the weekend a very close friend of his passed away after a terrible accident. Understandably Dom’s priorities lay elsewhere and I know I speak for the rest of the band in offering our condolences to his friend’s family and to Dom for their loss.....
Anyway I’ve gotta go as I should be practicing.....I made a few mistakes last week at rehearsals.......Road runner (aka Eric’s Linda!) said it was because I have become coomple-soont (I think she meant complacent)
Off to see OMD tomorrow at the Hammy Apollo...........SJ and Dom weren’t even born when “Enola Gay” and “Joan of Arc” were topping the top twenty....how old does that make me feel !!!!?????
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