Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Resist the candy shrimps!

Today I woke up grumpy...........she then got up and went to work seriously we were both tired and grumpy cos of that ....that ...that thing ......sent from the devil himself.........yes that thing sent to make our recordings jump to life and and fly around the room in extreme hi- fidelity........bollox! the closest thing to our music flying at the moment is the computer out of the window complete with it's Cubase ,interface and the lot!!!! Many an evening and early morning spent nose in manuals and computer screens is after all plenty justification for grumpinus extremis to set in. We keep reminding ourselves that it will all come good in the end and we will laugh at these occassions of complete dumb founded ness and getting ourselves into complete mucking fuddles!

Dear sprigganites!!! (that's what Spriggan Mist fans are called and not SM fans as wifey called Dark Marge as he became one on facebook forcing me to get weird visions of The Marge in my head !!!!!!until she clarified what she meant.........twas a dark place I tell you.......far....far worse than Tesco's) any way dear Sprigganites.....let me update you on the Spriggan Mist scene as it stands at this time........

We are now on facebook. I have resisted the urge.up to now ..I find sending make believe candy shrimps ,bumping off friends with make believe gangsters and feeding or starving make believe puppies (depending on if you remember to feed them)rather tiresome ...wifey on the other hand is a serial facebookist ...? face booker? facebookerer....well you know what I mean. Toni Sant (the podcaster who played our songs recently bumping our views on myspace considerably ) has recently gone on there with great success so we created a band one and it has had a steady stream of visitors. We have had several Myspace "friends " attach too which is really cool. Dark Marge is working his creative magic in preparation for the official Spriggan Mist Website for which he will indeed be the webmaster. Expect a launch of that very soon. As soon as we have got to grips with Cubase the album will be out for Christmas time ...he says in hope! Just a sneak bit of you remember Kultural Karma..the Stone Jesters song? written by Wifey for Spaceboy to sing then sang by a procession of singers until Scoobster sang it live? well we are Sprigganising that. It will sound more like it was intended to have sounded when first written Wifey informs me. I will be wailing on it ....but I must keep a book of past singers telephone numbers handy ...just in case...they are needed I reckon ha ha ha!!!!

Ok so my weight back from Malta soared to a whopping record breaking 18st I 've said enough is enough .......wifey and I are running the Malta half Marathon on March the 1st next year. Running has started be it slow and not so far but we are working well I'm down to about 18st 5lbs now Wifey is making similar progress. Regular updates via this blog as always

So what about Mother Dearest I hear you ask? ...........what do you mean you didn't? she was once a main protagonist on these pages she either doesn't get up to mischief or just keeps shtum about it. She has been going on dribblies days out recently mind ......I wish I could have been a fly on the wall at these I would of had enough ammunition for a full length feature film in the same ilk as the carry on series let alone a blog. She has come out with a few choice "MD isms" recently like "Anouncing to her whole neighbourhood she needed a screw on her balcony. I was somewhat taken aback last week when she said she dropped a stool on her mobility scooter (The Ferrari) what she was actually saying was she had a faulty stool (a sitting on one) which she wanted me mend. Unfortunately with her mouth round the rim of a Tennants Supra it all came out wrong.

Before I go I have a wedding anouncement. My former boss Cruella is getting married to her bloke Big D. Long time readers of my blog ..... I would like to wish the both of them a great day...and that I'm still obeying the speed limit past their house ...and that if they play any embarrassing Village people records at their has nothing to do with me!!!!!
All the best from all of us at Spriggan Towers!!!!

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